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Cultural Appropriation:
While it is a major issue at the forefront of our society now to take notice when we do appropriate different cultures, in Tam’nýer-a’, rather than treat this practice with disdain, it is a common occurrence. It is so common in fact, (and sometimes so subtly implemented), that for most things that are culturally appropriated, the general public tend to be completely oblivious that whatever new trend is not a natural societal, cultural or aesthetic evolution.

One of the most profound examples of this is the appropriation of वशङ (Vaśagna), which are Ṅkhya'jran headdresses. For Ṅkhya'jran women, Vaśagna are headdress pieces, or rather hair pins that are gifted over time in recognition of a woman’s accomplishments. Each piece that goes to putting together a full Vaśagna ensemble is a major honour. It also shows that a woman is considered to be of great worth. Each pin is like a trophy, so imagine a well decorated athlete wearing all of their trophies to denote their accomplishments. That is exactly what Vaśagna are to the Ṅkhya'jran people.


In, primarily Human culture, appropriating Ṅkhya'jran culture is common practice. Vaśagna is a part of this appropriation and is currently gaining popularity. Unfortunately, as it is with most appropriation, the importance and symbolism of Vaságna is lost and is merely an adornment for beautification. In truth, the Ṅkhya'jra are by far the main race that is culturally appropriated. Arguably too, they are the only culture abused like this as the Khah’ and Humans seem to mix their cultural aspects together amicably.

The best place to witness cultural appropriation and blended Khah’ & Human culture is Püertagœ. Although, Fawzia-Kedet is not far behind in this respect, they do tend to have a higher Ṅkhya'jran population there thanks to its proximity to the northern continents, as well as having a history of being a Ṅkhya'jran city.

Being Transgender:

*While gender can be a sensitive topic for some, we ask that you read the following with as much of an open mind as possible. This is merely how transgender is viewed in Tam’nýera’ and no offense is meant whatsoever. Please keep in mind whilst reading that Tam’nýera’ is also a fantasy world. Thank you.

Tam’nýer-a’ has a concept of transition in it that should someone desire to change their gender or realize later in life, (or even early on), that they are one gender and not the one they are born as, they are then immediately and without fuss given the opportunity to do so. Clothing, changing their gender pronouns and how they are addressed publicly by both parentage and community are freely done as well. Even with taking the Ãoni and the Z'sa'Ză-'Bäa into consideration, where women are viewed as more important, this can happen, albeit in Ãoni culture there might be some resistance. Ultimately though, your reproductive organs are never taken into consideration for these roles when you address yourself, as well as believe and feel yourself to be of a specific gender.

The biggest thing to understand though is that there is not a concept definition of it. Therefore, it's not recognized as the same concept as we see on earth where we define it specifically by the word itself. The process does happen, (albeit the hormone therapy and surgeries do not exist), and instead it is a matter of accepting and changing pronouns, as well as clothing if someone so chooses. In a city like Püertagœ where mostly humans run, it is still a little wishy-washy because clothing denotes gender very heavily. So, if a character wanted to be addressed as a man people may get confused and misgender if say, a man were to wear a dress and want to be addressed as a man. This in turn makes cross-dressing a bigger issue than actually being transgender.

That being said, when someone "transitions" they are generally fully accepted along with all pronoun association changes with what they want. This includes if they want to choose they/them pronouns (though do note that ‘they/them’ this is a very rare term in Tam’nýer—a''n cultures and can be confusing at first). Nonetheless, they are recognized as having changed genders, but there is no word or recognized procedure in Tam’nýer—a’ that creates the same situation that we here have today. What a character experiences with dysphoria from their own physical body is not something hugely recognized because psychology in itself is at such a base level concept that they don't even understand full depression or anxiety in that respect. Tam’nýer-a’ is still very behind in understanding these things and in these areas of science.

Characters can "transition" from one gender to another, but the concept itself is not fully understood, named, or recognized as a specific concept and is instead simply respected and understood as "okay, you want to be this, so we'll respect you as this and that's how we'll only see you past, present, and future." It isn't that transgender people don't exist, it is that the word transgender doesn't exist because the term transitioning isn't used that way and isn't recognized as a concept in that same light. But, people do transition and are fully 100% respected as having changed. It doesn't mean that there are situations where people misunderstand someone changing genders or disagreeing, but on a whole concept and construct it is respected and openly accepted in the entire world.

The only cultures/races that might not be on board with this on a massive scale are the Sk’älik and the Giyu. However, this is because both of these races are either dying or in desperate need of actual birthing mothers and any hindering of that is extremely looked down upon. 

Physical Disability:
When it comes to our bodies and our worldly understanding of physical disability, in Tam'nýer—a' you can lose parts of your flesh, ie. amputation, and still remain who you are. It is more of a willed transformation and obstacle that the Gods want to see you overcome and believe that you can. It may sound oddly nonchalant, but this also forms a wonderful belief that while in today's society here on Earth, we tend to view people who are missing their legs and forced to live in a wheelchair as disabled. Tam'nýer—a' doesn't actually have a word for disabled. You see, to the majority of people, if you lost a hand, or a leg, you are still a capable person. You may have a disadvantage, but there's no fear of being met with grimaces or sympathy - you are as you are, and as you are meant to be, meaning that even if you would be considered disfigured here on Earth, in Tam'nýer—a', you are normal.


Entertainment When It Includes the Gods & Goddesses:
When performing entertainment that includes the Gods, such as a play that includes the appearance of a god, or a dance of the gods & goddess, it is only deemed safe to do so when dressed in elaborate and beautiful robes with a headdress/piece that is of an animal's head. Of course, the god or goddess should be represented by a headdress of an animal that is attributed to them, e.g., Uu'krieuvan would be represent by the head of a Mirzum, and perhaps the individual playing the God's part might wear wings too in this case. This is a strict rule and to not follow it would spell doom for the individual willing to risk the assumed wrath of them. This in place so as to not only avoid risking offence of the deceased gods, but also to avoid assuming or mimicking their appearance.

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