Tam'nýer—a''s year is incredibly long, approx 1,080 Earth days. This is due to it orbiting not one, but two suns, which brings around a humongous fluctuation in weather. Tam'nýer—a' experiences roughly two of each season in a single year, and each season lasts for one Tam'nýer—a''n month.
The rundown of the seasons for the different hemispheres is like this:
Super Summer all of Tam'nýer—a'
Spring Southern Hemisphere / Fall Northern Hemisphere
Summer Southern Hemisphere / Winter Northern Hemisphere
Spring all of Tam'nýer—a'
Super Summer all of Tam'nýer—a'
Fall Southern Hemisphere / Spring Northern Hemisphere
Winter Southern Hemisphere / Summer Northern Hemisphere
Spring all of Tam'nýer—a'
*The purple haze surrounding super summer is indicative that there is perpetual light for all of Tam'nýer—a'.
As you can see above, and as we have on Earth, depending upon which hemisphere you are in will determine your cycle of season. No matter what though, each season has a name. While we call our seasons Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, and Tam'nýer—a' has it's Dancing Maidens representing each one;
Each Dancing Maiden's (Goddess) name also means what their season is. However, thanks to C'ërod and its terminologies, generally anything involving the Gods & Goddess' is multi-layered. For instance, you can say goodbye and wish someone well all by saying "Nýer—a''s light to you". When it comes to seasons, and particularly when referencing particular days for things such as a birthday, each season has a 'proper title', especially since some double during a year.
Going off of a general Tam'nýer—a''n year, the new year beginning with Super Summer (meaning Summer all over Tam'nýer—a'), here are the seasons' proper titles in the right order;
Super Summer
1st Spring
2nd Spring
2nd Super Summer
3rd Spring
Scorching Élan (passion)
The Florescence
The Burgeoning
The Yield/Flourish
Élan's Reprise
The Collecting/Collection
The Harbouring
The Seeding/Sprout
Truthfully, all the titles are very telling of their seasons and what they are generally used for. Think of it as a calendar from an agricultural sense.
You have the Seeding/Sprout and this is technically the beginning of one's year for a farmer. As the seeds are planted, they begin to thrive in the cool soil, creating deep root systems rather than show on the surface to protect themselves from the coming Scorching Élan. Becoming stronger beneath the surface, waiting for the '1st Spring' - the Florescence to actually grow above the surface and let the farmers know which seedlings survived their first (and intense) taste of summer. The Burgeoning notes that the flowers and plants are coming in strong now, and getting ready to fruit. The Yield/Flourish is when they actually do bloom. Now comes Élan's Reprise. For many plants this is their final trial; plants either die naturally during this season or are killed by the intense heat, as such some farmer's may choose to harvest now rather than dare a bad year and poor harvest. However, the fruits, vegetables and blooms that survive the Reprise will be the richest in flavour, the most expensive and the most prized, hence Fall being known as the true season of Collecting.
Let's say you were born in the Fall. Your birthday would be in The Collecting/Collection. As aforementioned, each season is a Tam'nýer—a''n month, and the Tam'nýer—a''n calendar has 8 months per year.
From there it would be what week you were born in and every month has 15 weeks. Each week is named after a God, Goddess or the Suns. Let's say, for example sake, that you were born in the 1st week. Your birthday would now be; Pajj'qwi of The Collecting.
Ah, but what about years? Each Tam'nýer—a''n year currently is marked by CE, which stands for Cataclysm Era, as the Gods are now dead. Tam'nýer—a' is currently at 15CE. This would make our example birthday:
Pajj'qwi of The Collecting, 15 CE.
If you wanted to, you could go ahead and nail down your birthday to the days of the week (of which there are 9 in a week) and Tam'nýer—a''n Hours, which are technically as long as our Earth days, but generally birthdays mentioned in passing are not so detailed.
Springs are welcomed, as it is here on Earth; the snow dissipates, turning to rain. However, the rains tend to be torrential and unexpectedly, with much sun. So these 'monsoon seasons' are not necessarily all drab and dismal with a heavy cloud coverage, and of course, this is also met with the wildlife and flowers coming back into full bloom, really quickly. The flora on Tam'nýer—a' bloom for a lengthy period of time, and most plant species bloom multiple times a year, even during lesser hospitable weather. Because of this tendency and the populace being quite attached to nature, indoor gardens are quite the regular thing in Tam'nýer—a''n homes.
Summers are what we would consider to be the worst, as Summer brings a plethora of geomagnetic storms or 'plasma storms'. Solar winds from the suns that cause temporary disturbances in the planet's magnetosphere. This is the main reason why technology in Tam'nýer—a' will never be like ours here on Earth, and is mechanical engineering or steam. They simply cannot make electricity due to this hindrance of cosmic scale. They can't even make a compass and have it be reliable, hence sea faring is solely reliant on the stars and planets (if we discount experience).However, these geomagnetic storms get worse the closer it is to the peak of Summer, and that is how it is marked. These cause an aurora that is so strong it practically envelops the planet. Though these aurora are beautiful, and welcomed, it has been linked to some Humans feeling a little bit off, needing to rest more frequently than usual during the display. This is due to cosmic radiation, but the people of Tam'nýer—a' are not aware of these sorts of things.
Falls are harvest time, but if everything has survived the second Super Summer, colloquially referred to as Élan's Reprise, then it will probably be the tastiest, juiciest thing you have ever eaten. Food prices will never show such a jump, and this time is great for farmers to prosper just in time for the world to buckle down for winter. Amazing food aside though ,the temperatures tend to dance wildly; hot, dry and sun tanning to random monsoons, only to be followed by freezing winds. Plants finally die off nearing the middle to end of season, and the colours match that of the aurora of super summers and beyond, as is the sky's colours passed onto the trees and then to be on the ground by your feet.
Winters are rife with blizzards mimicking hurricanes. Luckily, hurricanes are a regular occurrence on Tam'nýer—a' so dealing with this sort of weather dilemma is already taken care of, apart from the snow. This is shown in how Püertagœ is a walled and elevated metropolis, essentially barring out the terrible winds, and the aqueducts that supply the city with water, taking advantage of the snow and torrential rains to replenish the reservoir. However, there are other places in the world, Rīdhaūñaī for instance, that can experience about 24 feet of snow each winter and don't have the benefit of high walls to protect them from the winds.
Examples of auroras. The ones depicted with pinks and extreme yellows denote the peak of the Summer season.