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P'ee K'äh is the primary currency on Tam'nýer—a'. It is so common because it is nearly immune to the various problems which come from artificial currency, and the different races and islands have such disparate needs that a common objective currency is difficult if not impossible to come by.

P'ee K'äh are pearls which have been carefully hammered into disks and polished. The different colors are an easy denominational marker. Green is the highest denomination, and worth five hundred White P'ee K'äh.

How P'ee K'äh is Transported & Counted:
In Tam’nýer-a’, the Sk’älik deliver to the land above millions of P’ee K’äh as P’ee K’äh is hammered pearls and manipulated by the Sk’älik people to be used as currency for the majority of Tam’nýer-a’.

The way large bunches of freshly made currency is counted and transported in vast quantities is using *Watacha that is used to lightly glue/stick the P’ee K’äh all together, shipping it in disks of concrete denominations.


Universal symbol of P'ee K'äh


These disks and their denominations are as follows:

  • Green P’ee K’äh, 500 each

↳transported in disks of 10, adding up to a value of 5,000 per disk.

  • Blue P’ee Käh, 100 each

↳transported in disks of 20, adding up to a value of 2,000 per disk.

  • Chocolate P’ee K’äh, 50 each

↳transported in disks of 30, adding up to a value of 1,500 per disk.

  • Black P’ee K’äh, 25 each

↳transported in disks of 20, adding up to a value of 500 per disk.

  • Gold P’ee K’äh, 10 each

↳transported in disks of 25, adding up to a value of 250 per disk.

  • Pink P’ee K’äh, 5 each

↳transported in disks of 30, adding up to a value of 150 per disk.

  • White P’ee K’äh, 1 each

↳transported in disks of 30, adding up to a value of 30 per disk.

You Pearl

* ဝတဆ · Watacha is a vital underwater (seemingly plant) animal throughout all the oceans. There are multiple reasons as to why the Watacha is so useful, but the primary reason is the ecosystem is that fish brush against the Watacha because it is sticky. This means that the microbes and algae that can be harmful to the fish stick to it, and it is a symbiotic relationship because the Watacha feeds off of these microbes.

However, its stickiness is also why the Sk'älik harvest it. Its consistency is similar to that of sticky hands (the toy on Earth) and it is used to ship large amounts of P'ee K'äh. To help understand the process goes like this; the plant is harvested, and cut up into small pieces for use. Ever get a new card in the mail and it's sticky-tacked to the paper? It acts exactly like that, but is placed in between each P’ee K’äh, which is then compiled into disks of currency for shipment.

In addition to this, once the P’ee K’äah is shipped, the tack can be removed and put into a massive ball for sake keeping. This also alludes to the fact that it is reusable. Although, it should be said that over a Tam’nýer-a’’n month’s time, (3.5 earth years), it will become brittle and break down, unless one stores the unused bits in water, and then it should never break down until perhaps 3 Tam’nýer-a’’n months later (roughly 10 earth years) because of age, wear & tear and natural decomposition.

Watacha Can grow both inside the Becal Curtains and on the outside, however in the salt water, it can feel more coarse, and grows small, but in larger quantities. Whereas within the Becal Curtain it grows much bigger and bulbous, but in underwater type bushes, rather than widespread.

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